Donald Trump called for the Keystone XL pipeline to start being built.
Trump said, “Easy approvals, almost immediate start! If not them, perhaps another Pipeline Company. We want the Keystone XL Pipeline built!”
Our Country’s doing really well, and today, I was just thinking, that the company building the Keystone XL Pipeline that was viciously jettisoned by the incompetent Biden Administration should come back to America, and get it built — NOW! I know they were treated very badly by Sleepy Joe Biden, but the Trump Administration is very different — Easy approvals, almost immediate start! If not them, perhaps another Pipeline Company. We want the Keystone XL Pipeline built!
According to a report published by the Biden Administration’s Department of Energy, the pipeline would have created between 16,149 and 59,000 jobs.
In December 2022, the Biden administration’s Department of Energy (DOE) published a report that said the Keystone XL project would have created between 16,149 and 59,000 jobs and would have had a positive economic impact of between $3.4 and $9.6 billion, citing various studies.
“Joe Biden’s action cost tens of thousands of jobs and billions of dollars and every American family is still paying more every day,” Daniel Turner, the founder and executive director of Power the Future, shared with Fox News Digital in a previous statement.
The system was designed to carry oil from Alberta to states like Illinois, Texas and Oklahoma.
In January, Danielle Smith, the premier of Alberta, Canada, said that she was interested in talking to the Trump administration about potentially reopening the pipeline project.